
Natural Course of Refactoring online on InfoQ

I am so delighted that the article about Natural Course of Refactoring is live. It is a very simple, yet powerful idea about refactoring (but not easy after all) and I hope this way it will reach more people than ever before. So please retweet it and share it wherever you can.

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Why I Hate These Standups...

Why I Hate These Standups…

I often hear it… that they are a waste of time, just distractions from work, adding no real value…

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Don't Be Too Quick, Start Thinking!

Don’t Be Too Quick, Start Thinking!

Sometimes I feel like the world has become too fast. Everything happens so quickly that we switch to autopilot and stop thinking about why and for what purpose we are doing a task. Are we doing it in the way we imagined, or the way someone else suggested?

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The Natural Order of Refactoring Under the Microscope Part 1

Refactoring is an age-old problem—perhaps not the best word given the relatively short existence of software engineering as a discipline. Everyone knows refactoring should be done, but nobody seems to have the time for it.

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Clean Code

The Importance of Clean Code

There are ongoing philosophical discussions on whether clean code matters and if it is worth investing time to read it. I won’t engage directly in this debate. Instead, a small example should suffice:

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What Name for This Method?

What Name for This Method?

public class OptionsAwareObject {  
    private Options options;  
    public void updateOptions(String fontName, int fontSize) {  
class Options {  
    private int foregroundColor;  
    private int backgroundColor;  
    private String fontName;  
    private int fontSize;  
    // ...

Is updateOptions a good name for this method? Of course not! updateOptions is a general name that suggests a comprehensive update of options. Meanwhile, we are only updating font-related information. The responsibility of the method is thus the change of font-related options. A better name would be:

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A Manifesto Against Developers

A Manifesto Against Developers

I hate you because:

  • You focus on the features of your IDE instead of the features your client/user needs.
  • You consider typing at the keyboard as thinking.
  • You waste countless hours manually testing your code.
  • You spend more time struggling with frameworks than delivering value to end users.
  • You code for hours without asking yourself, “What am I really doing?”
  • You naively believe that technologies and tools will solve your problems.
  • You naively believe that a good algorithm is more important than a good understanding of requirements.
  • You naively believe that your intuition is enough for writing good code.
  • You naively believe that you can manage the complexity of the system piece you’re working on.
  • You agree to unrealistic deadlines.
  • You write poor code and rationalize it with various excuses (because there is no time).
  • In your head, you create code snippets without really knowing what needs to be done.
  • You guess what needs to be done rather than clarifying.
  • You mindlessly follow the technology you use.
  • You don’t understand the tools and technologies you use.
  • You isolate yourself in your piece of code, breaking contact with the world.
  • You think it’s all the fault of managers or clients and believe you can’t do anything about it.

… even though I love you because I am a programmer myself.

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The Natural Order of Refactoring - A Conceptual Sketch

The Natural Order of Refactoring

In software development, refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior. This process, often visualized in a conceptual sketch, can help developers understand the natural flow and order in which refactoring should occur.

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Act as if You Have Infinite Time...

Act as if You Have Infinite Time…

Tick tock, tick tock… The clock is inevitably ticking, time is passing, the deadline is approaching, yet the tasks are not decreasing. The more you rush, the more shortcuts you take, the more problems arise. Meanwhile, the answer is simple: Act as if you have infinite time!

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How to Transform Your Programming Approach Using Refactoring

Announcing My First Book

I am pleased to announce that BNS IT has published its first book, authored by me. It’s titled “How to Completely Transform Your Programming Approach Using Refactoring.”

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2nd Łódź JUG Meeting - Summary

2nd Łódź JUG Meeting - Summary

Yesterday, on August 9th, 2008, the second meeting of the Łódź Java User Group was held. Despite the vacation period, many enthusiasts were brave enough to devote part of their Saturday afternoon to attend a meeting dedicated to the magnificent Java programming language.

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