
How to be Productive

How to be Productive

I have recently come across a beautiful infographic by Anna Vital.

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Being Busy is an Easy Way

The Challenge of Simplifying Life

I have had a great opportunity to take part in a kind of experiment. I consciously got rid of most tasks from my personal and professional life that I considered not to be fully joyful and purposeful. What I expected was that I would be more focused on things that really matter to me and I could consciously choose what to do (and what not to do).

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If You Were to Do One Thing, It Should Be...

Avoid Starting Unnecessary Projects

I have had an interesting conversation with my friend who is also a manager in one of the Polish companies. At a certain moment, he said:

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Technical Leader Worries: I Have Too Many Things to Do

Technical Leader Worries: I Have Too Many Things to Do

Those wonderful days when the only thing you did was writing code are gone. Now you are a leader. You are doing everything: attending or conducting meetings, removing impediments, mediating between team members and the rest of the organization, reading or writing some kind of reports (and you deceive yourself that spending two hours in Excel counts as programming because of some smartly used formulas) and so on. You are in a hurry all the time, and it never ends.

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Disappointment, Focus, and Solutions for All Problems ;-)


Many of us dream of a situation where we can work at a sustainable pace, having enough time for everything and being able to comfortably do our job. But it doesn’t work. I’ll tell you why.

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Don't Be Too Quick, Start Thinking!

Don’t Be Too Quick, Start Thinking!

Sometimes I feel like the world has become too fast. Everything happens so quickly that we switch to autopilot and stop thinking about why and for what purpose we are doing a task. Are we doing it in the way we imagined, or the way someone else suggested?

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A Manifesto Against Developers

A Manifesto Against Developers

I hate you because:

  • You focus on the features of your IDE instead of the features your client/user needs.
  • You consider typing at the keyboard as thinking.
  • You waste countless hours manually testing your code.
  • You spend more time struggling with frameworks than delivering value to end users.
  • You code for hours without asking yourself, “What am I really doing?”
  • You naively believe that technologies and tools will solve your problems.
  • You naively believe that a good algorithm is more important than a good understanding of requirements.
  • You naively believe that your intuition is enough for writing good code.
  • You naively believe that you can manage the complexity of the system piece you’re working on.
  • You agree to unrealistic deadlines.
  • You write poor code and rationalize it with various excuses (because there is no time).
  • In your head, you create code snippets without really knowing what needs to be done.
  • You guess what needs to be done rather than clarifying.
  • You mindlessly follow the technology you use.
  • You don’t understand the tools and technologies you use.
  • You isolate yourself in your piece of code, breaking contact with the world.
  • You think it’s all the fault of managers or clients and believe you can’t do anything about it.

… even though I love you because I am a programmer myself.

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The Hyper-Optimizer of Time

The Hyper-Optimizer of Time

May 21, 2009 - my last entry… quite a bit of sand has flowed through the hourglasses. The arrival of a small being in my life changed a lot, but slowly :) I’m returning to the world of the living. To start off, here’s my first post after the break.

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How to Transform Your Programming Approach Using Refactoring

Announcing My First Book

I am pleased to announce that BNS IT has published its first book, authored by me. It’s titled “How to Completely Transform Your Programming Approach Using Refactoring.”

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