Clean Code

The Big Lie About Clean Code and Unit Testing


Many people are convinced that waking up early, say at 5:00 AM, is an unrealistic fantasy for them. They believe that their nature and their body are constructed in such a way that it’s impossible. I used to belong to this group of people.

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A Few Words About Naming – Methods (In Progress)

Note: This article is a work in progress!

Maybe the topic seems trivial and worn-out, as everyone knows that you need to create clear, unambiguous names. However, it’s still a greatly neglected area. Teams are still far from understanding that the most depends on naming. No refactoring has as much power as changing a name. It is primarily the names, if used correctly, that form what is called self-documenting code, creating a clear language in the source code of the system you are building.

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Natural Order of Refactoring Explored Part 2: Compose Method

Compose Method

Analyzing methods, such as the one presented in Part 1, often leads us to understand the main points of the algorithm contained in them. This insight paves the way for the next step: try to split a large method into smaller steps by extracting them into separate methods (refactoring using the Extract Method). Thus, the original method will consist of a sequence of calls to these new methods. With the right naming conventions, you can achieve code that reads like a book.

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Clean Code

The Importance of Clean Code

There are ongoing philosophical discussions on whether clean code matters and if it is worth investing time to read it. I won’t engage directly in this debate. Instead, a small example should suffice:

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Code Cleanup: Not Just About Refactoring Part 3


Due to formatting issues on the blogspot, it is advisable to read this article as a PDF file. You can download the PDF version of the article here.

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