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Building Knowledge in a Team: Main Mistakes and Strategies
For IT leaders, the topic of knowledge management is often unexplored territory. There is a silent assumption that it happens on its own. While it’s true to some extent, as software developers, we constantly need to learn new things to stay relevant. However, it’s not enough if only some team members learn independently. For a team to work efficiently, they need consistent and up-to-date knowledge. Cutting-edge technology skills alone have limited value.
Read MoreTechnical Leader Worries: Team Members Are Whining
Understanding Team Complaints
It’s very annoying when you hear whining from your team. They complain about boring work, stupid company security policy, wrong management decisions, customers not knowing what they want and changing their minds, and project managers crowding them. Doesn’t it sound familiar?
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Building Knowledge in Teams: Main Mistakes and Strategies
The topic of knowledge management in teams is largely overlooked by IT leaders. There is a silent assumption that it happens automatically. To some extent, it does, as programmers are accustomed to constantly learning to stay ahead. However, this is not sufficient. It’s not enough for everyone (or realistically, half) to learn individually. If the team is to be effective, cohesive and up-to-date knowledge is needed. Knowledge of new technologies or solutions holds limited value compared to this.
Read MoreThe Charisma of a Leader
The Essence of the Charismatic Leader
Recently, I’ve been working more with leaders of development teams, and I’ve become quite intrigued by the topic of dynamism and the charisma that often accompanies it.
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