Blog posts

Where Is It Worth Getting Employed?

The Idea Behind

For quite some time now, I have been my own employer, so I am not actively looking for traditional employment. However, people I meet during various projects and trainings often ask where it is worth getting employed.

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Master... Master...

The Role of the Scrum Master

In the real world, there are many variations of this role. Sometimes it’s a person from the team, sometimes a manager, sometimes someone from outside the team, sometimes a specialist in being a Scrum Master, and I’ve even seen it as a rotating role within the team. So, who is it really? What’s the purpose?

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The Scrum You Don't Know

But we don’t have a Product Owner! The Product Owner is unavailable! We are working on several projects at the same time! Our deadlines are getting delayed. Testers do not have time to test our code.

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Don't Be Fooled by What Others Say...

Don’t Be Fooled by What Others Say…

A few days ago, as a conscientious citizen concerned about my health, I decided to have some preventive tests to determine my current health status. Initially, I chose a doctor funded by the NFZ (National Health Fund), as I wanted to maximize the value of the 250 PLN the state collects for my healthcare (I won’t delve into discussions on the efficiency of fund management in state institutions). Of course, I had done some research on which tests might make sense at my age, printed a list of potential tests, and presented it to my doctor.

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Estimation Is Not a Commitment

Estimation Is Not a Commitment

You’ve probably heard that estimation is not a commitment. Sometimes in teams using estimation techniques, some form of accountability for the accuracy of estimation emerges. This is unfavorable for several reasons:
a) firstly, estimation is an approximation (with some probability), not a definitive result;
b) secondly, when accountability kicks in, project games emerge;
c) there are at least several factors causing estimation to differ from the actual time spent on a given task:

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The Six Deadly Sins of Technical Leaders


I probably would not have written this post if Michał hadn’t encouraged me. Over the past few months, I’ve slowly come to terms with a realization that I was hesitant to accept, yet it is quite understandable.

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Trust in the Team

The Importance of Trust in Agile Methodologies

One of the main values of agile methodologies is trust. However, it is not always clear what this means.

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The Charisma of a Leader

The Essence of the Charismatic Leader

Recently, I’ve been working more with leaders of development teams, and I’ve become quite intrigued by the topic of dynamism and the charisma that often accompanies it.

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Don't Be Too Quick, Start Thinking!

Don’t Be Too Quick, Start Thinking!

Sometimes I feel like the world has become too fast. Everything happens so quickly that we switch to autopilot and stop thinking about why and for what purpose we are doing a task. Are we doing it in the way we imagined, or the way someone else suggested?

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The Big Lie About Clean Code and Unit Testing


Many people are convinced that waking up early, say at 5:00 AM, is an unrealistic fantasy for them. They believe that their nature and their body are constructed in such a way that it’s impossible. I used to belong to this group of people.

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