Blog posts

Natural Course of Refactoring online on InfoQ

I am so delighted that the article about Natural Course of Refactoring is live. It is a very simple, yet powerful idea about refactoring (but not easy after all) and I hope this way it will reach more people than ever before. So please retweet it and share it wherever you can.

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Don't Let Conflicts Overwhelm You


During a job interview, a candidate for a team leader position once mentioned that he managed to fulfill his role without conflicts. This statement raises suspicions. A lack of conflicts is a symptom that requires special attention. Project life is full of conflicts, and it is crucial to let them occur so that solutions satisfying both parties can be found.

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Agile Prague 2014 Notes

It’s been almost a week since Agile Prague finished. It was a great time of interesting discussions and meetings. I had the privilege to talk with Linda Rising about patterns, their history, and current state (still under development). She also gave wonderful talks about the Agile mindset and trust.

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Time for Non-Violent Rebel

The Deficit of Humanity in Agile Practice

Agile thinking has been with us for several years. There is a lot of humanity behind Agile thinking, and this is what is great about it. But Agile, like every idea, is just that—an idea. It is not easily applicable in life and often distorted to be convenient, though not necessarily useful. People focus on practices and lose the spirit of the idea. Agile is just an example. All in all, the problem is the deficit of humanity in the business context.

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How to be Productive

How to be Productive

I have recently come across a beautiful infographic by Anna Vital.

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Is Poland Christ of Nations?

I recently came across a very interesting article about the pitfalls of the Polish style of management and its historical roots. It is more generic than just IT but includes aspects of participatory management, such as Agile practices. If you understand Polish, you can read the article here.

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Being Busy is an Easy Way

The Challenge of Simplifying Life

I have had a great opportunity to take part in a kind of experiment. I consciously got rid of most tasks from my personal and professional life that I considered not to be fully joyful and purposeful. What I expected was that I would be more focused on things that really matter to me and I could consciously choose what to do (and what not to do).

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Task-doing vs. Responsibility Taking - A Subtle Distinction

The Subtle Distinction Between Task-doing and Responsibility Taking

I have been reading a book on parenthood recently (yes, tech guys also read such books :-)) and there has been a discussion about responsibility. Even when fathers devote their time to spending time with children and doing some tasks related to children and family, they may still not take responsibility for it. So you can take your children to the doctor when they are sick, bring them to school or kindergarten every day, go with them to a playground… and still not take responsibility.

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I'll be there (for you) ...

I am very excited and happy to announce that you can hear my talk at two Agile conferences in Europe:

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