The Natural Order of Refactoring Under the Microscope Part 5: Evolution of Architecture

Table of Contents

Architectural Evolution

An essential next step, at a much higher level of abstraction, requires a deep understanding of the system. Based on emerging patterns and developing domain objects, over time we realize the need to modify the architecture. Architectural patterns or the introduction of other architectural mechanisms can assist us. Such transformations may include:

  • Introducing layers
  • Implementing or changing O/RM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  • Changing the organization of business logic
  • Introducing or changing the application framework

Often in systems, it is assumed that the architecture, once created, will perfectly fulfill its role throughout the product’s lifecycle. However, the variability of requirements and the difficulty in creating an optimal architecture from the beginning necessitate continuous monitoring and evolutionary changes to ensure that emerging solutions remain simple. A rigid, unchanged architecture often leads to solutions that are difficult to understand and cluttered with workarounds.

Continuous Refactoring

The process presented outlines the concept of continuous refactoring, wherein it is part of the development work at every level—architecture, design, and code. It is not a standalone phase, but an integral part of the work. It is important to note that the above process, although presented in a linear manner, is not entirely linear. Often, when executing one of the later steps, it is necessary to repeatedly return to earlier steps. The presented strategy represents more of a direction of activities rather than a strict algorithm.

(Text translated and moved from original old blog automatically by AI. May contain inaccuracies.)

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