Have You Ever Thought About a Career as a Trainer/Consultant?

Table of Contents

As our activities at BNS IT (bnsit.pl) continue to expand, we have openings for individuals eager to work with others to share knowledge and experience. We aim to support teams in increasing their work efficiency.

Are You the Right Fit?

If you have practical experience in software development projects and are proficient in at least one of the following areas, we might be looking for you:

  • Design patterns
  • Best practices in coding (refactoring, clean code, object-oriented principles like SOLID, GRASP, interfaces)
  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Domain-driven design (DDD)
  • Scrum (Agile methodologies)
  • Team communication within project contexts
  • Time management for developers
  • Project management
  • Requirement management and analysis

Project knowledge and experience are crucial. As for training skills, we can provide the necessary preparation.

Collaboration Opportunities

We are mainly interested in ongoing collaboration but occasional cooperation might also be possible.

Feel free to reach out: m [dot] sieraczkiewicz [at] bnsit [dot] pl

(Text translated and moved from original old blog automatically by AI. May contain inaccuracies.)

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