A Manifesto Against Developers

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A Manifesto Against Developers

I hate you because:

  • You focus on the features of your IDE instead of the features your client/user needs.
  • You consider typing at the keyboard as thinking.
  • You waste countless hours manually testing your code.
  • You spend more time struggling with frameworks than delivering value to end users.
  • You code for hours without asking yourself, “What am I really doing?”
  • You naively believe that technologies and tools will solve your problems.
  • You naively believe that a good algorithm is more important than a good understanding of requirements.
  • You naively believe that your intuition is enough for writing good code.
  • You naively believe that you can manage the complexity of the system piece you’re working on.
  • You agree to unrealistic deadlines.
  • You write poor code and rationalize it with various excuses (because there is no time).
  • In your head, you create code snippets without really knowing what needs to be done.
  • You guess what needs to be done rather than clarifying.
  • You mindlessly follow the technology you use.
  • You don’t understand the tools and technologies you use.
  • You isolate yourself in your piece of code, breaking contact with the world.
  • You think it’s all the fault of managers or clients and believe you can’t do anything about it.

… even though I love you because I am a programmer myself.

(Text translated and moved from original old blog automatically by AI. May contain inaccuracies.)

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