Weekend Workshops: Design Patterns

Table of Contents

Invitation to Weekend Workshops on Design Patterns

We cordially invite you to the “Weekend Workshops on Design Patterns.” This is a special offer for users of the Goldenline.pl portal and readers of my blog as well as Michał’s. You won’t find this offer on the BNS IT website!

These workshops provide an opportunity to acquire practical skills in creating applications using design patterns in the Java language.

Program Details

Check out the program here.

What Do You Need?

  • A notebook with a Wi-Fi card
  • Enthusiasm, willingness, and an open mind

Your investment is only 800 PLN.

You won’t find training or workshops of this quality and price anywhere else.

Tell your friends.

Locations and Dates

  • Warsaw, 13-14 December 2008
  • Wrocław, 13-14 December 2008
  • Kraków, 13-14 December 2008


Mariusz Sieraczkiewicz
Email: m.sieraczkiewicz [[MAUPA]] bnsit.pl
Phone: +48 500 189 752
Website: http://www.bnsit.pl

(Text translated and moved from original old blog automatically by AI. May contain inaccuracies.)

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